In January of 2016, I was sitting on the couch looking through photos I had taken over the holidays. When I came across a photo of a larger woman in my kitchen baking with my daughter. I was confused at first, who was this woman in my kitchen? Then moments later, I realized that the woman was me. I didn’t even recognize myself. I was 35 years old, 30 lbs overweight, and struggling with alcohol. This is not who I was, or wanted to be. I just sunk.
Later that same day, an ad came across my social media page for CrossFit Lanier. A 6 weeks women’s only challenge, that included nutrition guidance and fun workouts. I was nervous, but desperate for a change, so I accepted the challenge. I walked into CrossFit Lanier in March of 2016, and my life began to transform from that moment. I Fell in love with CrossFit, and even more in love with the community and family presence that CrossFit Lanier provided.
While there are many more complexities to my story… Fast forward to 2021, I am Sober and free of my struggle with alcohol, I am healthier in my now 40’s than I have ever been in my life, I ran my first Marathon in 2021, and Also Became the Proud New Owner of CrossFit Lanier.
Where does your story start?
Mine started, walking through the doors of CFL!