75 Hard Challenge

The 75 Hard Challenge: Can It Enhance Your CrossFit Performance?

The fitness world is full of challenges and programs designed to push individuals to their limits. One such challenge that has gained significant attention is the 75 Hard Challenge. But how does it stack up when it comes to complementing CrossFit training? This blog post will look at what the 75 Hard Challenge entails and explore how it can enhance your CrossFit performance.

What is the 75 Hard Challenge?

The 75 Hard Challenge, created by Andy Frisella, is more than just a physical fitness program; it’s a mental toughness challenge. It’s designed to build discipline, grit, and an unwavering mindset over 75 days. The challenge includes a stringent set of rules that participants must follow every day without exception:

  1. Two 45-minute Workouts Per Day: One must be performed outdoors, regardless of the weather.
  2. Drink a Gallon of Water: Consume at least one gallon (3.8 liters) of water each day.
  3. Follow a Diet: Stick to a diet of your choice with no cheat meals and no alcohol.
  4. Read 10 Pages of a Non-Fiction Book: This is aimed at personal development and must be from a physical book.
  5. Take a Progress Picture: Document your physical progress with a daily photo.

These five rules must be followed without any slip-ups. If a single rule is broken, participants must start over from day one.

Understanding the Basics of CrossFit

Before diving into how the 75 Hard Challenge can complement CrossFit training, it’s essential to understand the basics of CrossFit. CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that combines elements from various sports and types of exercise. Its core principles include:

  1. Functional Movements: Exercises that replicate real-life activities, engaging multiple muscle groups.
  2. High Intensity: Short, intense workouts that push participants to their limits.
  3. Variety: Constantly varied workouts to prevent plateaus and keep training interesting.
  4. Community: A strong emphasis on community support and camaraderie.

CrossFit workouts, known as WODs (Workouts of the Day), are designed to improve overall fitness, including strength, endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular health.

How the 75 Hard Challenge Complements CrossFit Training

The 75 Hard Challenge, with its focus on mental toughness and discipline, aligns well with the core principles of CrossFit. Here’s how each aspect of the challenge can enhance your CrossFit performance:

Two 45-Minute Workouts Per Day

CrossFit workouts are known for their intensity but are typically shorter in duration, often lasting between 10 to 30 minutes. The 75 Hard Challenge requires two 45-minute workouts daily, which can push CrossFitters to extend their training sessions and increase their overall workout volume.

How It Helps:

  • Endurance and Stamina: Performing two workouts a day can build endurance and stamina, crucial for longer CrossFit competitions.
  • Variety: Incorporating an outdoor workout introduces new elements, such as running, hiking, or cycling, which can improve cardiovascular health and muscle endurance.
  • Recovery and Adaptation: The additional workouts encourage the body to adapt to increased physical stress, enhancing recovery capabilities.

Drinking a Gallon of Water

Hydration is vital for any fitness regimen, including CrossFit. Drinking a gallon of water daily ensures that your body stays hydrated, which is crucial for optimal performance and recovery.

How It Helps:

  • Improved Performance: Proper hydration helps maintain peak performance levels during high-intensity workouts.
  • Recovery: Adequate water intake aids in muscle recovery and reduces the risk of cramps and injuries.
  • Overall Health: Staying hydrated supports overall bodily functions, from digestion to temperature regulation.

Following a Diet

Nutrition plays a critical role in CrossFit, where the demand for energy and recovery is high. The 75 Hard Challenge emphasizes adherence to your chosen diet without cheat meals or alcohol, promoting discipline in nutritional habits.

How It Helps:

  • Energy Levels: Following a structured diet ensures consistent energy levels for demanding CrossFit WODs.
  • Muscle Recovery and Growth: Proper nutrition supports muscle recovery and growth, which is essential for strength-based CrossFit movements.
  • Body Composition: Sticking to a clean diet can improve body composition, enhancing performance in bodyweight exercises and overall agility.

Reading 10 Pages of a Non-Fiction Book

CrossFit is as much about mental toughness as it is about physical prowess. Reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book daily, as mandated by the 75 Hard Challenge, encourages continuous personal development.

How It Helps:

  • Mental Toughness: Building a habit of daily reading enhances mental toughness and focus, which are crucial during grueling CrossFit workouts.
  • Knowledge and Strategy: Reading books on nutrition, fitness, or personal development can provide new strategies and insights that benefit CrossFit training.
  • Stress Reduction: Reading can also serve as a stress reliever, helping to maintain a balanced mental state amidst intense physical training.

Taking a Progress Picture

Documenting progress through daily photos can be a powerful motivator. While physical transformations are gradual, consistent visual records can highlight changes that might otherwise go unnoticed.

How It Helps:

  • Motivation: Seeing progress can boost motivation and commitment to both the 75 Hard Challenge and CrossFit.
  • Accountability: Daily photos keep you accountable for your fitness and nutritional goals.
  • Tracking Progress: Visual documentation complements performance metrics in CrossFit, providing a comprehensive picture of your progress.

Integrating the 75 Hard Challenge with CrossFit Training

Successfully integrating the 75 Hard Challenge with CrossFit requires strategic planning and a disciplined approach. Here are some tips on how to blend the two effectively:

Plan Your Workouts

Given the challenge’s requirement for two daily workouts, plan your CrossFit sessions to include both high-intensity WODs and supplementary activities like running, yoga, or mobility work. This balance helps prevent burnout and overtraining.

Prioritize Recovery

With increased workout volume, recovery becomes paramount. Ensure you get adequate sleep, practice active recovery techniques, and incorporate mobility exercises to keep your body in top condition.

Stick to Your Nutrition Plan

Choose a diet that complements your CrossFit goals, whether it’s focused on muscle gain, fat loss, or overall health. Adherence to the diet rules of the 75 Hard Challenge ensures that your body gets the nutrients it needs to perform and recover. Lanier Nutrition Coaching can help you build a sustainable and effective nutrition plan.

Stay Hydrated

Keep a water bottle handy throughout the day and track your intake to meet the one-gallon requirement. Hydration is crucial for performance and recovery, especially with the increased physical activity.

Read for Mental Strength

Select books that inspire and educate you on fitness, nutrition, or personal growth. The insights gained can provide new perspectives and strategies to enhance your CrossFit training.

Take Your Progress Photos Seriously

Use progress photos as a tool for motivation and accountability. Compare them regularly to see the physical changes resulting from your hard work and dedication.

Potential Benefits of Combining the 75 Hard Challenge with CrossFit

Combining the 75 Hard Challenge with CrossFit can yield several benefits, enhancing both mental and physical aspects of fitness:

Enhanced Mental Toughness

The strict regimen of the 75 Hard Challenge builds mental toughness, discipline, and resilience. These traits are invaluable in CrossFit, where pushing through intense workouts and overcoming physical and mental barriers are part of the routine.

Improved Physical Conditioning

The additional workouts and strict adherence to a diet and hydration plan can lead to significant improvements in physical conditioning. Increased endurance, strength, and overall fitness levels can result from the challenge’s rigorous demands.

Better Habits and Lifestyle Changes

The 75 Hard Challenge promotes the development of healthy habits that can last beyond the 75 days. The discipline and routine established can lead to long-term lifestyle changes that support ongoing CrossFit training and overall well-being.

Enhanced Community and Support

Participating in the 75 Hard Challenge alongside your CrossFit community can foster a stronger sense of camaraderie and support. Sharing the experience with others can enhance motivation and accountability, making the challenge more manageable and enjoyable.

75 Hard challenges and considerations

Potential Challenges and Considerations

While the 75 Hard Challenge can complement CrossFit training, it’s essential to be aware of potential challenges and considerations:

Risk of Overtraining

The increased workout volume and intensity can lead to overtraining if not managed properly. Listen to your body, prioritize recovery, and adjust the intensity of workouts as needed to prevent burnout and injuries.

Dietary Restrictions

Sticking to a strict diet without cheat meals can be challenging, especially during social events or holidays. Plan aheadand find ways to enjoy healthy, nutritious foods that align with your dietary goals.

Time Management

Balancing two workouts a day, daily reading, and other commitments requires effective time management. Create a schedule that allows you to fulfill all aspects of the challenge without neglecting other important areas of your life.

75 Hard x CrossFit

The 75 Hard Challenge offers a unique opportunity to enhance your CrossFit performance through increased physical activity, disciplined nutrition, and mental toughness. By adhering to its stringent rules, you can develop habits that complement your CrossFit training and significantly improve your physical and mental fitness.

At CrossFit Lanier, we understand the importance of challenging yourself and pushing your limits while also not overworking yourself. If you’re ready to take your fitness journey to the next level, consider integrating the 75 Hard Challenge with your CrossFit training. Our expert coaches and supportive community are here to guide you every step of your journey.


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Todd Fencl


Coming Soon

Tiffany Aikens


Coming Soon

Lauren Kelley


Lauren has been Coaching going on 2 years. She is passionate about lifting and continuing her education to better herself as an athelte and to also ensure the effectivness of her coaching! Lauren is also a Childrens O.R. Nurse and has a over all love for helping others!

Rachel Riemersma


I started doing CrossFit in 2019 after struggling with anorexia and beginning my journey to recovery. CrossFit was the thing that truly made a difference in my recovery, as it was so different than any other fitness space I had ever been exposed to. The community and atmosphere at CrossFit Lanier made me finally stop caring about getting smaller, and made me focus and getting stronger. CrossFit helped me heal both mentally and physically and that is why I love it so much. I am so excited to be coaching at the place that made such a difference in my life, and I only hope I can do the same for others and spread the love that I have for CrossFit!


CrossFit Level 1

Kim Ingram


After having two kids and gaining an unhealthy amount of pregnancy weight, Kim realized she needed to take control of her life and prioritize her health and fitness. In addition to changing some eating habits, Kim tried a local chain gym. She never felt confident on what to actually do when she went, though. So in 2015 after wasting months walking on a treadmill and trying to figure out weight machines, a friend recommended Crossfit Lanier. She popped in to see what this Crossfit thing was all about, and after meeting with the staff she quickly signed up for a membership. She loved that all the thinking was taken out of it. You had someone to tell you your workout, when to start, and when to finish it. No more guessing how many reps and rounds to do! Eight years later, Kim is a healthier, stronger version of herself. After being encouraged for years by her friends to become a trainer, she decided to go for it. She acquired her Crossfit Level 1 certificate recently, and is super excited and motivated to help athletes reach their goals. Kim can’t wait to help members see their own potential, no matter their skill level, and to hopefully inspire the way she was inspired the first time a CFL coach told her she was “strong”.
“Being told I was strong was the true game changer for me. It was that moment I realized it’s not about being ‘skinny’, but being healthy was the goal. Building strength is one of the most important gifts you can give to your body- no matter your age, male or female. As I enter my mid-40’s, I know I am enhancing my quality of life, both physically and mentally. I hope to help others do the same!”.


CrossFit Level 1

Adam Craig


After being relocated to Georgia for work in 2016, Adam lost his motivation and gained an alarming amount of weight and was suffering from high blood pressure. Lacking motivation he tried CrossFit on a whim in Jan of 2021 and hasn’t looked back since. Adam has achieved his level one certification and has plans to continue his education in CrossFit to bring more to the table for everyone at CrossFit Lanier. He is passionate about helping others achieve what they thought couldn’t be done.

“For me, CrossFit showed me I am capable of things I never thought possible. It forced me out of my comfort zone, but the coaches and other members have been so supportive and motivating. I never walk out of CrossFit feeling unaccomplished. This has been the best decision of my life, and I would be truly honored to be a part of your journey.”
-Adam Craig


CrossFit Level 1
Burgener Strength Weightlifting Level 1

Amber Craig


“For me, CrossFit helped and continues to help my self confidence grow everyday. I absolutely love the constant variety of workouts, the new skills we get to learn, and especially the community we have here! It’s truly a family! Now that I’ve become a coach to both adults and teens, seeing someone’s face light up when they put their mind to something and make it happen makes it full circle for me. I know that feeling so well and the overwhelming joy I feel makes me know CrossFit is the perfect choice for me.


CrossFit Level 1
CrossFit Kids

Mike Snajkowski


A CrossFitter since 2012, Mike has competed in a variety of local and regional CrossFit Competitions. He has achieved both his Level One and Level Two Trainer Certifications and continues to push for additional certifications in order to provide his personal best to CrossFit Lanier members. Well-known for his encouraging, yet rigid coaching style, our members always enjoy his full attention and trust that he has only the best intentions for their health and safety.
A consummate athlete, in addition to CrossFit, Mike loves to run and has completed everything from 5Ks to full marathons.


CrossFit Level 1
Crossfit Level 2

Jason Morgan


Coming soon…


CrossFit Level 1

Amanda Wright


From the moment she walked into CrossFit Lanier in 2016, Amanda fell in love with the CrossFit methodology, the community and – most of all – the undeniable family bond shared by the Cumming location’s trainers and members. The experience transformed her life in more ways than one – empowering her to achieve her personal best in all areas. In 2017, she obtained her Level 1 Coach Certificate – followed shortly thereafter by her CrossFit Kids Certificate and her Level 2 Coach Certificate. Finally, she achieved her dream of purchasing CrossFit Lanier in 2021. Still striving to achieve her personal best, she continues to educate herself in all things health and fitness to ensure the highest level of service to her members while maintaining the family bond that first drew her here.


CrossFit Level 1
CrossFit Kids
Crossfit Level 2


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$25 Per Class


4780 Hammond Industrial
Dr #300, Cumming, GA 30041

(678) 582-2777


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