When I first started CrossFit, I was 10 1/2 years old. I had become fairly inactive and turned to online gaming with some friends out-of-state to avoid getting bullied [About my weight]. I played baseball from ages 4 to 9 but after a game we would often go out to eat to celebrate and my food choices were awful! I loved fried chicken fingers! My family was more focused on healthy choices, but I didn’t understand it at all, until recently.
I found CrossFit and tried it with my family. The first-time walking in I was a little skeptical. Then I started to enjoy it. I was not totally committed, though, to going regularly and had not made the needed changes to my eating habits.
On April 14, 2016, I had a wakeup call, I weighed in at 166 pounds! I was only 12 years old and I felt awful. My highest weigh-in at a doctor’s appt. was 175. During that time, I watched my sister Elizabeth train hard and eat right and it worked. So, it was my turn!
In January of 2017, I decided I wanted to be in better shape and see my abs. I started working out more at CrossFit Lanier and became more active outside but, I also changed the way I was eating! In less than 1 year, I’m down 32-36 pounds [now weighing 130-132 lbs.] – but just as important- I went from wearing a 36″+ waist… to now wearing a 28″ waist!
CrossFit Lanier has become a second home for me. From the people to the experience… it has been great! Thanks to everyone in the CrossFit community, at CrossFit Lanier and my family for supporting me throughout my journey. I want to thank all the coaches for helping me and especially Coach Harvey, Coach Elizabeth and Coach/Owners Bruce and Louanne and everyone who has screamed for me to keep going when I felt like quitting! Thanks Mom for cooking! Encouraging and helping others is where it’s at! The fun continues and I can’t wait to see new improvements!